{ site_name = 'Freifunk Lippe', site_code = 'fflip', default_domain = 'dom1', timezone = 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3', ntp_server = {'0.de.pool.ntp.org', '1.de.pool.ntp.org', '2.de.pool.ntp.org', '3.de.pool.ntp.org'}, regdom = 'DE', wifi24 = { mesh = { mcast_rate = 12000, }, }, wifi5 = { mesh = { mcast_rate = 12000, }, }, poe_passthrough = true, config_mode = { hostname = { optional = false, prefill = true, }, geo_location = { show_altitude = false, osm = { center = { lat = 52.000946848, lon = 8.854293823, }, zoom = 13, -- openlayers_url = 'http://ffac.example.org/openlayer', }, }, remote_login = { show_password_form = true, min_password_length = 10, }, }, mesh_vpn = { enabled = true, mtu = 1364, bandwidth_limit = { enabled = false, egress = 5000, -- kbit/s ingress = 25000, -- kbit/s }, }, autoupdater = { branch = 'stable', branches = { stable = { name = 'Stable', -- List of mirrors to fetch images from. IPv6 required! mirrors = {'http://update.freifunk-lippe.de/stable/lip/upgrade', 'http://update2.freifunk-lippe.de/stable/lip/upgrade'}, good_signatures = 2, -- List of public keys of maintainers. pubkeys = { '6c36b7cd1c78b7107994fccc6d9d6d31ba2bcb04f281f114a5a9e1043efef594', -- Michael '523b9680e41b04e28ef9f839856498859930e3033fd39a7118305f2e0fbc205c', -- Andre '57a43b0d8cd7af864dedee693ba364e50324c78da4a929067a9eea8f8aa6b768', -- Joerg '674fa1e03356604d5c69af1cb10836036ff3426af5f7e5020e65faeb24dd0593', -- Bjoern }, }, }, }, ssid_changer = { enabled = true, switch_timeframe = 15, -- only once every timeframe (in minutes) the SSID will change to the Offline-SSID -- set to 1440 to change once a day -- set to 1 minute to change every time the router gets offline first = 5, -- the first few minutes directly after reboot within which an Offline-SSID always may be activated (must be <= switch_timeframe) prefix = 'FF_Offline_', -- use something short to leave space for the nodename (no '~' allowed!) suffix = 'nodename', -- generate the SSID with either 'nodename', 'mac' or to use only the prefix: 'none' tq_limit_enabled = false, -- if false, the offline SSID will only be set if there is no gateway reacheable -- upper and lower limit to turn the offline_ssid on and off -- in-between these two values the SSID will never be changed to prevent it from toggeling every minute. tq_limit_max = 45, -- upper limit, above that the online SSID will be used tq_limit_min = 35 -- lower limit, below that the offline SSID will be used }, }