Dir-505 zurück auf stock firmware

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Back to original firmware

The header in the bin file is 84 bytes long, (see for example that this is mentioned in this security advisory), so the following is supposed to work:

Download and unzip the original Firmware and rename it to original.bin, then remove 84 bytes from the firmware

dd if=original.bin of=strippedfw.bin bs=84 skip=1

Copy the file to the router

scp strippedfw.bin root@

And flash it:

mtd write /tmp/strippedfw.bin firmware

Wait until it finishes.


the router should now be back to original firmware.

hat geklappt, ich musste nur noch den schiebe-Schalter auf „Repeater“ Modus stellen.

dann ist das admin interface unter erreichbar.

User: Admin
Password: leer lassen