Gluon Meetup 2024 - 02 (09.04. - 20:00 CEST)

Hello everyone,

according to our current rhythm (every second month on the second Tuesday) is our next Meetup on this Tuesday, the 09.04.2024, at 20:00 CEST.

The meetup is public and everyone is invited to join.

Mumble will be used as the communication tool. The address of the server is

If all participants speak German, we speak German. If not, English. We will find a solution to communicate :slight_smile:

The notes from the last Meetup have been published under [1].

In case of sudden changes, it’s also good to keep an eye on the #gluon IRC channel on The channel is also available via matrix at [2].

See you then


[1] Meeting 2024 01 · freifunk-gluon/gluon Wiki · GitHub

1 „Gefällt mir“