Router Absturz mit seltsamer Ausgabe auf der Alfred Seite

User meist genutzter Router in Aachen hat sich aufgehängt, hat zwar noch die fastd Verbindung, aber die per WLAN angeschlossenen Knoten sind weg und er hat auch keine Clients.

Die Alfred Seite bring ungewöhnlichen output:

Model: TP-Link TL-WDR3600 v1
Firmware release: 2014.4-stable-2

15:24:21 up 19:48, load average: 0.48, 0.37, 0.41

6: br-client: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue
link/ether e8:de:27:65:8f:c8 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet6 2a03:2260:40:0:eade:27ff:fe65:8fc8/64 scope global dynamic
valid_lft 86389sec preferred_lft 3589sec
inet6 fda0:747e:ab29:cafe:eade:27ff:fe65:8fc8/64 scope global dynamic
valid_lft 86376sec preferred_lft 14376sec
inet6 fe80::eade:27ff:fe65:8fc8/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

         total         used         free       shared      buffers

Mem: 126324 26080 100244 0 2000
-/+ buffers: 24080 102244
Swap: 0 0 0

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 2304 2304 0 100% /rom
/dev/mtdblock3 4736 304 4432 6% /overlay

Usage: iw [options] command
–debug enable netlink debugging
–version show version (3.15)
help [command]
Print usage for all or a specific command, e.g.
„help wowlan“ or „help wowlan enable“.

event [-t] [-r] [-f]
	Monitor events from the kernel.
	-t - print timestamp
	-r - print relative timstamp
	-f - print full frame for auth/assoc etc.


	List all wireless devices and their capabilities.

phy <phyname> info
	Show capabilities for the specified wireless device.

	List all network interfaces for wireless hardware.

dev <devname> info
	Show information for this interface.

dev <devname> del
	Remove this virtual interface

dev <devname> interface add <name> type <type> [mesh_id <meshid>] [4addr on|off] [flags <flag>*]
phy <phyname> interface add <name> type <type> [mesh_id <meshid>] [4addr on|off] [flags <flag>*]
	Add a new virtual interface with the given configuration.
	Valid interface types are: managed, ibss, monitor, mesh, wds.
	The flags are only used for monitor interfaces, valid flags are:
	none:     no special flags
	fcsfail:  show frames with FCS errors
	control:  show control frames
	otherbss: show frames from other BSSes
	cook:     use cooked mode
	active:   use active mode (ACK incoming unicast packets)
	The mesh_id is used only for mesh mode.

dev <devname> ibss join <SSID> <freq in MHz> [HT20|HT40+|HT40-|NOHT|5MHZ|10MHZ] [fixed-freq] [<fixed bssid>] [beacon-interval <TU>] [basic-rates <rate in Mbps,rate2,...>] [mcast-rate <rate in Mbps>] [key d:0:abcde]
	Join the IBSS cell with the given SSID, if it doesn't exist create
	it on the given frequency. When fixed frequency is requested, don't
	join/create a cell on a different frequency. When a fixed BSSID is
	requested use that BSSID and do not adopt another cell's BSSID even
	if it has higher TSF and the same SSID. If an IBSS is created, create
	it with the specified basic-rates, multicast-rate and beacon-interval.

dev <devname> ibss leave
	Leave the current IBSS cell.

dev <devname> station dump
	List all stations known, e.g. the AP on managed interfaces

dev <devname> station set <MAC address> mesh_power_mode <active|light|deep>
	Set link-specific mesh power mode for this station

dev <devname> station set <MAC address> vlan <ifindex>
	Set an AP VLAN for this station.

dev <devname> station set <MAC address> plink_action <open|block>
	Set mesh peer link action for this station (peer).

dev <devname> station del <MAC address>
	Remove the given station entry (use with caution!)

dev <devname> station get <MAC address>
	Get information for a specific station.

dev <devname> survey dump
	List all gathered channel survey data

dev <devname> mesh leave
	Leave a mesh.

dev <devname> mesh join <mesh ID> [mcast-rate <rate in Mbps>] [beacon-interval <time in TUs>] [dtim-period <value>] [vendor_sync on|off] [<param>=<value>]*
	Join a mesh with the given mesh ID with mcast-rate and mesh parameters.

dev <devname> mpath dump
	List known mesh paths.

dev <devname> mpath set <destination MAC address> next_hop <next hop MAC address>
	Set an existing mesh path's next hop.

dev <devname> mpath new <destination MAC address> next_hop <next hop MAC address>
	Create a new mesh path (instead of relying on automatic discovery).

dev <devname> mpath del <MAC address>
	Remove the mesh path to the given node.

dev <devname> mpath get <MAC address>
	Get information on mesh path to the given node.

dev <devname> scan [-u] [freq <freq>*] [ies <hex as 00:11:..>] [meshid <meshid>] [lowpri,flush,ap-force] [ssid <ssid>*|passive]
	Scan on the given frequencies and probe for the given SSIDs
	(or wildcard if not given) unless passive scanning is requested.
	If -u is specified print unknown data in the scan results.
	Specified (vendor) IEs must be well-formed.

dev <devname> scan trigger [freq <freq>*] [ies <hex as 00:11:..>] [meshid <meshid>] [lowpri,flush,ap-force] [ssid <ssid>*|passive]
	Trigger a scan on the given frequencies with probing for the given
	SSIDs (or wildcard if not given) unless passive scanning is requested.

dev <devname> scan dump [-u]
	Dump the current scan results. If -u is specified, print unknown
	data in scan results.

reg get
	Print out the kernel's current regulatory domain information.

reg set <ISO/IEC 3166-1 alpha2>
	Notify the kernel about the current regulatory domain.

dev <devname> auth <SSID> <bssid> <type:open|shared> <freq in MHz> [key 0:abcde d:1:6162636465]
	Authenticate with the given network.

dev <devname> connect [-w] <SSID> [<freq in MHz>] [<bssid>] [key 0:abcde d:1:6162636465]
	Join the network with the given SSID (and frequency, BSSID).
	With -w, wait for the connect to finish or fail.

dev <devname> disconnect
	Disconnect from the current network.

dev <devname> link
	Print information about the current link, if any.

phy <phyname> set antenna_gain <antenna gain in dBm>
	Specify antenna gain.

phy <phyname> set antenna <bitmap> | all | <tx bitmap> <rx bitmap>
	Set a bitmap of allowed antennas to use for TX and RX.
	The driver may reject antenna configurations it cannot support.

dev <devname> set txpower <auto|fixed|limit> [<tx power in mBm>]
	Specify transmit power level and setting type.

phy <phyname> set txpower <auto|fixed|limit> [<tx power in mBm>]
	Specify transmit power level and setting type.

phy <phyname> set distance <distance>
	Set appropriate coverage class for given link distance in meters.
	Valid values: 0 - 114750

phy <phyname> set coverage <coverage class>
	Set coverage class (1 for every 3 usec of air propagation time).
	Valid values: 0 - 255.

phy <phyname> set netns <pid>
	Put this wireless device into a different network namespace

phy <phyname> set retry [short <limit>] [long <limit>]
	Set retry limit.

phy <phyname> set rts <rts threshold|off>
	Set rts threshold.

phy <phyname> set frag <fragmentation threshold|off>
	Set fragmentation threshold.

dev <devname> set channel <channel> [HT20|HT40+|HT40-]
phy <phyname> set channel <channel> [HT20|HT40+|HT40-]
dev <devname> set freq <freq> [HT20|HT40+|HT40-]
dev <devname> set freq <control freq> [20|40|80|80+80|160] [<center freq 1>] [<center freq 2>]
phy <phyname> set freq <freq> [HT20|HT40+|HT40-]
	Set frequency/channel the hardware is using, including HT

phy <phyname> set name <new name>
	Rename this wireless device.

dev <devname> set mcast_rate <rate in Mbps>
	Set the multicast bitrate.

dev <devname> set peer <MAC address>
	Set interface WDS peer.

dev <devname> set noack_map <map>
	Set the NoAck map for the TIDs. (0x0009 = BE, 0x0006 = BK, 0x0030 = VI, 0x00C0 = VO)

dev <devname> set 4addr <on|off>
	Set interface 4addr (WDS) mode.

dev <devname> set type <type>
	Set interface type/mode.
	Valid interface types are: managed, ibss, monitor, mesh, wds.

dev <devname> set meshid <meshid>
dev <devname> set monitor <flag>*
	Set monitor flags. Valid flags are:
	none:     no special flags
	fcsfail:  show frames with FCS errors
	control:  show control frames
	otherbss: show frames from other BSSes
	cook:     use cooked mode
	active:   use active mode (ACK incoming unicast packets)

dev <devname> set mesh_param <param>=<value> [<param>=<value>]*
	Set mesh parameter (run command without any to see available ones).

dev <devname> set power_save <on|off>
	Set power save state to on or off.

dev <devname> set bitrates [legacy-<2.4|5> <legacy rate in Mbps>*] [ht-mcs-<2.4|5> <MCS index>*] [vht-mcs-<2.4|5> <NSS:MCSx,MCSy... | NSS:MCSx-MCSy>*] [sgi-2.4|lgi-2.4] [sgi-5|lgi-5]
	Sets up the specified rate masks.
	Not passing any arguments would clear the existing mask (if any).

dev <devname> get mesh_param [<param>]
	Retrieve mesh parameter (run command without any to see available ones).

dev <devname> get power_save <param>
	Retrieve power save state.

Commands that use the netdev (‚dev‘) can also be given the
‚wdev‘ instead to identify the device.

You can omit the ‚phy‘ or ‚dev‘ if the identification is unique,
e.g. „iw wlan0 info“ or „iw phy0 info“. (Don’t when scripting.)

Do NOT screenscrape this tool, we don’t consider its output stable.

VPN status

fastd running for 71298.420 seconds
There are 13 peers configured, of which 2 are connected:

mesh_vpn_backbone_peer_rheinufer3: not connected
mesh_vpn_backbone_peer_rheinufer10: not connected
mesh_vpn_backbone_peer_rheinufer7: not connected
mesh_vpn_backbone_peer_rheinufer0: connected for 71201.816 seconds
mesh_vpn_backbone_peer_rheinufer11: not connected
mesh_vpn_backbone_peer_rheinufer5: connected for 71203.247 seconds
mesh_vpn_backbone_peer_rheinufer12: not connected
mesh_vpn_backbone_peer_rheinufer1: not connected
mesh_vpn_backbone_peer_rheinufer4: not connected
mesh_vpn_backbone_peer_rheinufer2: not connected
mesh_vpn_backbone_peer_rheinufer9: not connected
mesh_vpn_backbone_peer_rheinufer6: not connected
mesh_vpn_backbone_peer_rheinufer8: not connected

das hatte ich auf meinem auch, da wird iw falsch aufgerufen.

Mit dem nächsten beta update war es bei mir weg.

Edit: Ich glaube mich zu erinnern, das es nicht das beta update war sondern das ich einfach an den wlan aus Knopf gekommen war und das dann wieder angemacht habe.

Ich konnte das Problem auf einem weiteren Gerät reproduzieren.

Ausgabgszustand: Gerät funktioniert, wlan Schalter auf on.

Umlegen des Schalters auf off, alles funktioniert weiterhin.

Schalter zurück auf on, wlan ist tot.

Auch neu starten hilft jetzt nicht mehr, solange der Schalter auf on steht geht das WLAN nicht mehr.

Ich habe den Betreiber gebeten bei seinem Gerät den Schalter auf off zu schalten, jetzt geht es wieder.

Kann das noch jemand reproduzieren?

Vielleicht läuft ja im Event-Script (/etc/rc.button/rfkill) was falsch.
Für mich sieht es so aus, als würde initial nur der aktuelle disabled-Status in der WiFi-Config berücksichtigt, und nicht die Stellung des Schalters.
Man müsste allerdings mal prüfen, ob und wie das Script beim Booten getriggert wird (logger Debug-Output).

Wenn ich Dich richtig verstehe, stand der Schalter bei ihm ja schon auf „On“, also hat den niemand betätigt?

Die Kiste ist bei ihm leicht zugänglich, ich vermute also der Schalter wurde bei ihm gestern einmal umgelegt, dann aber wieder zurück auf on gestellt.

Dadurch muss er jetzt auf off stehen damit das WLAN funktioniert.

Ich habe das mit einem weiteren 3600er reproduzieren können.

Gluon Ticket öffnen?

Die Nummer hatte ich auch schon.
Ich bin irgenwann dazu übergegangen, bei Geräten mit Schiebeschalter das mit dem Lötkolben rauszunehmen und bei Geräten mit Taster (841v9) schlicht den Schalter rauszukneifen.

Ja, man kann es auch im Gluon fixen, aber es ist ja den Ärger nicht wert, gerade bei Non-vpn-mesh-Geräten.
Kann ja beim näschten Autoupdate wieder zuschlagen.